Tel: 916.960.2202     |     970 Reserve Drive, Roseville, CA 95678   (Behind the Fountains)

Estate Planning, Trust, Will and Probate Attorney

Our array of services includes:

Smiling Senior Couple • Estate Planning Documents to Avoid Probate, Minimize Taxes, and Control & Protect Your Estate and Health
• Medi-Cal, Social Security and Veteran's Benefits Planning
• Family with Special Needs
• Planning for LGBTQ Individuals and Families
• Elder Care and Long Term Care Planning
• Trust Administration
• Probate
• Charitable giving
• Asset Protection

Happy Grand ParentsWe draft and execute all of the necessary documents for a complete estate plan.

Click on the terms below for a detailed definition of some of the documents you may need

Will or Pourover Will
Trust, including Revocable, Irrevocable, and specialty trusts tailored to your unique circumstances. These include Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs) and Special Needs Trusts designed to protect public benefits for qualified individuals. These are just a few examples of estate planning trusts which can protect your hard earned savings.
Durable Power of Attorney
Health Care Power of Attorney, also known as a “living will”
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) authorization
Amy Ochi and FamilyGuardianship designation

Take 5!

Step 1: Intake: Prior to our 1st meeting potential clients complete an online or paper intake form so that we can “hit the ground running” when we meet, and talk about YOUR wishes to create a plan specific to your needs.

Step 2: Consultation: At our 1st Zoom or in-person meeting we’ll talk about what plan best meets your needs, your concerns, what documents you need, and what the cost will be. This meeting takes about 1 hour.

Step 3: Drafting and Follow-up: We will draft your plan and send it to you for review, questions, or edits. Our flat fee includes a potential 2nd meeting with you to review the drafts together.

Step 4: Signing: At your signing we will witness and notarize all of your documents and record any real estate deeds.

Step 5: Document Delivery Meeting: At your final meeting you will pick up your binder and we will review all of the documents with you. The binder includes a flash drive with all documents scanned. We instruct you on implementing your plan by property funding it and work with you and your financial advisor, if you have one, to update account titles and beneficiary designations. Read here about how to put the “fun” back into “funding.”